In class last night, our professor was telling us about the politics of the academic world.  She noted that although she tends to run in geography scholar circles, particularly because some of her research takes her into that world, she does not have a degree in geography.  She noted that in that world, scholars tend to introduce themselves by saying "Hi, Im __, I'm a geographer."  She said that she can never do that because she only has "geography tendencies."  

I imagined her in a room full of geographers and responding to their introductions by saying, "Hi, I'm____, I have geography tendencies."  


Also, in this class, two important questions came up during discussion that I wanted to record.

1. (Particularly in relation to academia) Does increasing complexity lead to paralysis in action? -
2. As a researcher, where are you starting the story ?- Professor Sweet

The Truman Show

  • How can we use media and technology to empower us?
  • Can we be entertained and enlightened at the same time?
  • What is genuine?  What is normal?  What is real?  Who gets to decide the way each of these concepts is constructed and understood?
  • "We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented” - The Truman Show
  • "For in a general manner madness here is not linked to the world and its subterranean forms, but rather to man and his frailties, his dreams and illusions…Madness no longer lies in wait for man at every crossroads; rather, it slips into him, or is in fact a subtle relationship that man has with himself…Madness is only in each man, as it lies in the attachments that men have to themselves, and the illusions that they entertain about themselves…an attachment to oneself is the first sign of madness, and it is through that attachment to oneself that man takes error for truth, lies for reality, violence and ugliness for beauty and justice”  - Foucault - History of Madness