Date Taken: 3/1/12

Setting: A food truck at school

Thoughts: My friend Emma, a Chicago native once reprimanded me for saying gyro.  Apparently, its yeero.  I laughed, but then thought, I will probably never call it that if I order it, for the same reason that I don't try to pronounce titles of food I don't know in restaurants - because I will sound silly.  Sound silly?  How odd...especially coming from me. I have no problem looking or acting silly, I sneeze as loud as I can in public, I talk about bathroom humor, I make up horrible songs and sign them off key, I have a high squeaky voice when I yell passionately about something or when I am shocked, and sometimes I tell a pirate joke in the elevator when it's full of strangers. 

(A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel attached to his pants and the bartender goes, hey you know you got a steering wheel attached to your pants, and the pirate goes, yarrr and its drivin me nuts...ahahaha...thank you papa)

After growing up playing travel softball and then going on to play at Lehigh with the most amazingly absurd group of women, I have very little problem looking, being, or acting silly in public.  Yet, here I am, thinking to myself that I will avoid ever eating a gyro mostly because I know it is wrong to pronounce it gyro, but it embarrasses me to say yeero.  Curious.     

I was sitting, enjoying a small break between classes, and just thought it was cool the way the light was streaming through the window.  I have been trying hard lately to be conscious of these kinds of moments, these seemingly mundane or purposeless moments when nothing is really happening.  Sometimes, those are the most beautiful moments, I think mostly, because I never expect them, they just catch me by surprise and sweep me away in a wonderfully simple happiness.


I liked capturing the sun at slightly different angles.  It is amazing how much it changed just by adjusting the camera.  These images were taken back to back, within the same minute, yet the top picture has a piercing, blinding white sun, rays shooting out in every direction.  In this picture the sun has a more muted presence, despite its intense shine at its core.  I love that sun ray that cuts straight through the center of it, diagonally down to the right.  

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